
Location: Pulp SmashConfiguration

Pulp Smash needs a configuration file. This configuration file declares certain information about the Pulp application under test.

Interactive Configuration

To interactively create a configuration file, use the CLI:

pulp-smash settings create

You will be prompted for information like the version of Pulp, API credentials, whether the API is accessible via HTTPS, and so on. It is assumed that both Pulp’s CLI client and Pulp’s alternate download policies are installed and configured.


For information on how to install and configure Pulp (not Pulp Smash!), see the Pulp installation documentation.

Manual Configuration

The interactive configuration tool assumes that all of Pulp’s components, such as the webserver and squid, are installed on a single host. If you wish to tests a Pulp application whose components are installed on multiple hosts, you must install a custom configuration file.

Pulp Smash’s configuration file may reside in one of several locations. The easiest way to deal with this complication is to let Pulp Smash tell you where you should create a configuration file:

cat >"$(pulp-smash settings save-path)" <<EOF
pulp-smash settings validate

The save-path sub-command creates any necessary intermediate directories.

Configuration File Paths

Pulp Smash abides by the XDG Base Directory Specification. When loading a configuration file, Pulp Smash searches for a file named settings.json, within a directory named pulp_smash, within any of the $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS. In practice, this typically means that Pulp Smash loads ~/.config/pulp_smash/settings.json.

$XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is a precedence-ordered list. If multiple configuration files reside on the file system, the first file found is used. Settings are not cascaded.

To search for a file named something other than settings.json, set the PULP_SMASH_CONFIG_FILE environment variable. It should be a file name, not a path. For example:

# Valid. Search paths such as: ~/.config/pulp_smash/alt-settings.json
PULP_SMASH_CONFIG_FILE=alt-settings.json pulp-smash settings load-path

# Invalid. Results are undefined.
PULP_SMASH_CONFIG_FILE=foo/alt-settings.json pulp-smash settings load-path

Pulp Smash abides by similar logic when saving a configuration to a file.

Configuration File Syntax

A configuration file is valid if:

These checks are executed by pulp-smash settings validate.

A single Pulp application may be deployed on just one host or on several hosts. The “pulp” section lets you declare properties of the entire Pulp application. The “hosts” section lets you declare properties of the individual hosts that host Pulp’s components. Here’s a sample configuration file:

  "pulp": {
    "version": "3",
    "auth": ["admin", "admin"],
    "selinux enabled": false
  "hosts": [
      "hostname": "",
      "roles": {
        "api": {"scheme": "http", "service": "nginx"}
        "shell": {}
      "hostname": "",
      "roles": {
        "pulp resource manager": {},
        "pulp workers": {},
        "redis": {},
        "shell": {}

In this example:

  • The first host runs the nginx web server.
  • The second host runs all other Pulp services, such as redis.
  • Pulp Smash has shell access to both hosts.

The “shell” role deserves special mention. It has an optional “transport” sub-key, e.g. "shell": {"transport": "..."}:

  • When set to “local,” Pulp Smash will locally execute commands for that host with Python’s built-in subprocess module
  • When set to “ssh,” Pulp Smash will execute commands over SSH.
  • When omitted, Pulp Smash will guess how to execute commands by comparing the host’s declared hostname against the current host’s hostname. If the two hostnames are identical, Pulp Smash will behave as if “transport” is set to “local.” Otherwise, Pulp Smash will behave as if “transport” is set to “ssh.”


Pulp Smash can access a host via SSH only if the SSH connection can be made without typing a password. Make sure to configure SSH so just running ssh "$hostname" will access the host. See sshd_config(5).


Pulp Smash logs out information for important methods and functions, by default the log output is enabled only for ERROR level.

To enable the logging of DEBUG information set the PULP_SMASH_LOG_LEVEL environment variable to value DEBUG.


$ pulp_smash shell
>>> response = api.Client(cfg).get('/pulp/api/v3/status/')
2019-04-23. DEBUG [ - __init__] New <api.Client(...)>
2019-04-23. DEBUG [ - request] Making a GET request with {'verify': False, 'auth': ('admin', 'admin'), 'url': 'http://FQDN:80/pulp/api/v3/status/'}
2019-04-23. DEBUG [ - safe_handler] reponse status: 200
2019-04-23. DEBUG [ - smart_handler] Response is a JSON
2019-04-23. DEBUG [ - json_handler] reponse status: 200
2019-04-23. DEBUG [ - request] Finished GET request with {'versions': [...], 'online_workers': [...], 'missing_workers': [], 'database_connection': {'connected': True}, 'redis_connection': {'connected': True}}

That variable holds the string name of Python’s logging levels.

  • INFO